Millycare servicesProviding Care and nursing staffs...


We are delighted to introduce Millycare Services to you for the supply of all your temporary care and nursing staff.

We are conscious of the need for Nursing and Residential Care Homes to be adequately staffed at all times with experienced, well trained, and fully vetted staff and also at reasonable charge rates.

We are aware of the importance of continuity of care, reliability, and punctuality of staff.

Most importantly, we are aware of the requirements, expectations, and essential standards of quality and safety of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2010 and the corresponding guidance of the Care Quality Commission (CQC). 

With that assurance in mind, you can be certain that we do understand the importance of supplying you with only competent and suitable care and nursing staff.

We shall therefore be grateful if given the opportunity to prove to you our uncompromising, seamless twenty-four hours round the clock back-up staffing services.

We are your local Care Agency; our Nursing and Care staff members are within your locality, ready and eager to work for you.

Please check out our highly competitive charge rates, as attached, for your kind consideration.

Kind Regards